熾翼火龍 發達集團副總裁
發佈於 2017-12-23 11:08
唐鳳用數位機器人參加聯合國會議 中國官員森77
2017-12-23 11:05聯合報 記者陳熙文╱即時報導
第12屆聯合國網路治理論壇(Internet Governance Forum, IGF)18日至21日在瑞士日內瓦舉辦,唐鳳透過遠端視訊的方式在第4天的會議發言,發言後卻被自稱中國常駐聯合國日內瓦辦事處代表團的官員提出抗議。
“I am very concerned of what had happened. A couple of people from Taiwan speaking in the capacity as officials as certain so called national government, calling Taiwan so called small country. This is inappropriate.
IGF is an UN platform which only allowed UN recognized, people UN recognized nations to participate. And as an UN platform. It is not a place for people to advocate ‘One China’ or ‘One Taiwan’ or ‘Taiwan independence’.
And I don’t know how these people get registered, as participants of this meeting, because according to the UN resolution, such things are not allowed to happen. And I hope what I have been said is put on record. Thank you”
“Thank you very much. We can acknowledge your intervention of course. Let me just say that we are not talking politics here, we are just talking policies. There’s no intention of taking intercom any other situations. It’s just contributions of people who are doing well and success stories, nothing more than that, but your point is very well taken.“
“The previous speakers from Taiwan, some of them claimed to bear officials of certain national government, and some of them claimed Taiwan is a small country. This is a very big problem!
And UN meeting should never be platform for Taiwan independence. Thank you.”
“Just let me say that, we are not doing that.”