gge 發達集團副總裁
發佈於 2012-06-18 02:25
本帖最後由 gge 於 12-06-18 02:48 編輯
過去兩小時開了個視窗看自動更新的最新 出口民調結果
新民主黨得票率區間 28.6pc ~ 30pc
激進左派政黨聯盟得票率區間27.5pc ~ 28.4pc
2:33 最新官方出口民調結果:
ND 29.5pc, Syriza 27.1pc, Pasok 12.3pc
19.33 Official exit numbers are in, and New Democracy are on course to win. The numbers: ND 29.5pc, Syriza 27.1pc, Pasok 12.3pc, Independent Greeks 7.6pc, Golden Dawn 7pc, Democratic Left 6.2pc, Communist Party of Greece 4.5pc. These are numbers from Singular Logic, commissioned for the job by the Greek government.
18.54 Some official figures are starting to emerge from the Greek Interior Ministry. With 15pc of the votes counted, New Democracy has 31.1pc, while Syriza has 25.4pc. But it should be noted that these are rural votes, and the electorate in Athens will bring the average back towards the left. Meanwhile, an unofficial poll suggests that a New Democracy/Pasok coalition would have a majority of 159 seats.
18.44 Greek state TV estimates that on those exit numbers New Democracy and Pasok could form a coalition. The 300 seats would be distributed thus:
New Democracy 127 (including the bonus 50 for winning), Syriza 72, Pasok 32, Independent Greeks 21, Golden Dawn 19, Democratic Left 16, Communist Party of Greece 13.
source: The Telegraph -- Greek election: Live