阿爽 發達集團執行長
來源:品味生活   發佈於 2012-06-02 23:48

Train-drive by

本帖最後由 阿爽 於 12-09-18 22:03 編輯
train - drive by
On the other side of a street I knew /在街的另一邊 我知道
Stood a girl that looked like you /站在那的女孩很像妳
I guess thats deja vu /這可能是似曾相識的感覺
But I thought this cant be true /我知道這不可能是真的
Cause you moved to west L.A or New York or Santa Fe/ 因為妳已搬去洛杉磯或者紐約、聖大非
Or where ever to get away from me/或是任何能遠離我的地方
Oh but that one night Was by lovechiuccmore than just right /那晚是個再好不過的一夜
I didnt leave you cause I was all through /我不曾離開因為我一直都在
Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell/我不知所措 像在地獄般恐慌
Because I really fell for you/因為我真心愛上妳
Oh I swear to you/ 我向妳發誓
ill be there for you/我將一直陪在妳身邊
This is not a drive by /這不是路過而已
Just a shy guy looking for /隻是一個害羞的男孩在找尋
a two ply hefty bag to hold my love /雙層厚重的包裝載我的愛
When you move me everything is groovy/當妳離開我後一切變的很糟
They dont like it sue me /大家為此而控告我
The way you do me /妳是如此對待我
Oh I swear to you/ 我向妳發誓
ill be there for you/我將一直陪在妳身邊
This is not a drive by /這不是路過而已
On the other side of a downward spiral /在漩渦的另一麵
My love for you went viral /我對你的愛已成病毒
And I loved you every by lovechiuccmile you drove away /我曾愛妳離開的每一英哩
But now here you are again /現在妳又再次在我身邊
So lets skip the "how you been" 所以我們跳過“你好嗎”的寒暄
And get down to the "more than friends" at last /最後直接告訴妳「我們不隻是朋友」
Oh but that one night was still the highlight /但那仍是一個難忘的夜晚
I didnt need you until I came to /在我來之前我不曾需要妳
And I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell/我不知所措 像在地獄般恐慌
Because I really fell for you /因為我是真心愛上妳
Oh I swear to you/ 我向妳發誓
ill be there for you/我將一直陪在妳身邊
This is not a drive by /這不是路過而已
Just a shy guy looking for /隻是一個害羞的男孩在找尋
a two ply hefty bag to by lovechiucchold my love /雙層厚重的包裝載我的愛
When you move me everything is groovy/當妳離開我後一切變的很糟
They dont like it sue me /大家為此而控告我
The way you do me /妳是如此對待我
Oh I swear to you/ 我向妳發誓
ill be there for you/我將一直陪在妳身邊
This is not a drive by /這不是路過而已

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