阿爽 發達集團執行長
來源:哈拉閒聊   發佈於 2014-12-21 23:24

This Is How We Do

本帖最後由 阿爽 於 14-12-21 23:28 編輯
Katy Perry - This Is How We Do
This is how we do, this is how we do
Sipping on Rosé, Silverlake sun coming up all lazy
Slow cooking pancakes for my boy, still up, still fresh as a daisy
Playing ping pong all night long, everything's all neon and hazy
Chanel this, Chanel that, hell yeah, all my girls vintage Chanel baby
來杯桃紅酒 佐銀湖的日光 伸了個懶腰
慵懶地為我的男人煎著鬆餅 瞧他清新如雛菊的容貌
乒乓大戰一整晚 眼前都似霓虹迷濛
全身都是香奈兒 潮爽der 復古香奈兒讓姊妹們發狂
It's no big deal
It's no big deal
It's no big deal
This is no big deal
This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back
Straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
This is how we do, do do do do
This is how we do
我們就愛這麼做 放鬆狂歡 派對整晚
學雜誌搔首弄姿 噢耶 讓我們再下流一點
我們就愛狂歡 爽 爽 爽 爽
Big hoops, and maroon lips, my clique hoppin' in my Maseratti
Santa Barbara chic at the Super Rica, grabbing tacos, checking out hotties
Now we talking astrology, getting our nails did, all Japanese-y
Day drinking at the Wildcat, sucking real bad at Mariah Carey-oke
大耳環 紅褐唇 死黨們快跳上我的跑車
聖塔芭芭拉超經典墨西哥玉米餅 快嚐嚐!!
相約日系美甲沙龍 大聊特聊占卜
再去酒吧喝到掛 KTV大唱瑪咪咪經典歌
It's no big deal
It's no big deal
It's no big deal
This is no big deal
This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back
Straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
This is how we do, do do do do
This is how we do
我們就愛這麼做 放鬆狂歡 派對整晚
學雜誌搔首弄姿 噢耶 讓我們再下流一點
我們就愛狂歡 爽 爽 爽 爽
This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back
Straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
This is how we do, do do do do
This is how we do
我們就愛這麼做 放鬆狂歡 派對整晚
學雜誌搔首弄姿 噢耶 讓我們再下流一點
我們就愛狂歡 爽 爽 爽 爽
This one goes out to ladies, at breakfast, in last night's dress
Uh-huh, I see you
Yo, this goes out to all you kids that still have their cars at the club valet and it's Tuesday
Yo, shout out to all you kids, buying bottle service, with your rent money!
昨晚剛去嗨了整晚 衣服都忘了換就來吃早餐的辣妹們@@/
嗯哼 丟洗共哩
還有那些把車停在夜店整個周末的小鬼們 都星期二啦!!!
This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back
Straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
This is how we do, do do do do
This is how we do
我們就愛這麼做 放鬆狂歡 派對整晚
學雜誌搔首弄姿 噢耶 讓我們再下流一點
我們就愛狂歡 爽 爽 爽 爽
This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back
Straight stunting, yeah, we do it like that
This is how we do, do do do do
This is how we do
我們就愛這麼做 放鬆狂歡 派對整晚
學雜誌搔首弄姿 噢耶 讓我們再下流一點
我們就愛狂歡 爽 爽 爽 爽
(This is how we do)
This goes out to all you people going to bed with a ten and waking up with a two
(This is how we do)
Ha, not me
光鮮亮麗出門 一灘爛泥回家的舉手!@@/
哈 我才不會這樣咧~
What? Wait. No, no, no, no
Bring the beat back
That's right

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