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發佈於 2012-09-21 23:16
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2012年皇家天文台天文攝影比賽首獎,主題為M51螺旋銀河,作者Martin Pugh。
M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy by Martin Pugh (Australia)
Overall winner and winner of the Deep Space category
Photographer Martin Pugh has claimed the top prize in the Royal Observatory's Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition with this image of the Whirlpool Galaxy. One judge described it as a "remarkable achievement" by an amateur astronomer and one of the best images of M51 that he had seen.
Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/pictures/49136/astronomy-photographer-year-2012-%E2%80%93-pictures#ixzz275fDX8qO
ps:M51a 和 M51b (NGC 5195) 是在合併中哦
雖然他們的距離 ~10萬光年,但是M51光可見光的半徑就4萬光年
M51a/b 旁那些霧霧的東西也是交互作用中拉扯所產生的