小麻雀 發達集團副處長
來源:品味生活   發佈於 2011-07-20 19:09

Film Concert 電影音樂會

Film Concert 電影音樂會
Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto - Final Scene
柴可夫斯基小提琴協奏曲 - 最後一幕
SYNOPSIS: At the time of Brezhnev, Andrei Filipov was the best conductor of the Soviet Union and led the famous Orchestra of the Bolshoi. But in full glory, after giving up separated from their Jewish musicians, among whom was his best friend Sacha, was fired. Thirty years later, still working at the Bolshoi, but now ... as a cleaner.
One night stays late Andrei polishing the office of the supreme leader is a fax to the address of the Bolshoi: This is a letter from the Châtelet Theatre Orchestra inviting the officer to go to a concert in Paris .. . Suddenly, Andrei comes up with a crazy idea: why not bring his former fellow musicians, who live to odd jobs and odd jobs, and bring them to Paris, making them go through the Bolshoi? The long-awaited opportunity for revenge has finally arrived.
其中一位是他最好的朋友薩沙,被解僱了。三十年後,仍然工作在莫斯科大劇院,但現在... ...作為一名清潔工。
這是一封信從夏特雷劇院管弦樂團,邀請有關人員​​到音樂會在巴黎.. 。突然,安德烈又發表了一個瘋狂的想法:

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